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execution of judgmentstresses
gen. исполнение решения суда (The execution of judgment is the act of getting an officer of the court to take possession of the property of a losing party in a lawsuit, called the judgment debtor, on behalf of the winner, called the judgment creditor, sell it and use the proceeds to pay the judgment. The judgment creditor takes the judgment to the clerk of the court and requests to have a writ of execution issued which is taken to the sheriff, marshal, constable or other authorized official with instructions to seize property to execute upon. In the case of real property the official must first place a lien on the title, and then execute upon it (seize it). However, the judgment debtor may pay the judgment and costs before sale to redeem real estate. uslegal.com Alexander Demidov); приведение в исполнение судебного акта (Legal definition The execution of judgment is the act of getting an officer of the court to take possession of the property of a losing party in a lawsuit, called the judgment debtor, on behalf of the winner, called the judgment creditor, sell it and use the proceeds to pay the judgment. The judgment creditor takes the judgment to the clerk of the court and requests to have a writ of execution issued which is taken to the sheriff, marshal, constable or other authorized official with instructions to seize property to execute upon. In the case of real property the official must first place a lien on the title, and then execute upon it (seize it). However, the judgment debtor may pay the judgment and costs before sale to redeem real estate. For more information see Execution of Judgment Law & Legal Definition FAQ What is execution of the judgment? Execution is the process of selling the property to pay off the debt. The court will issue a writ of execution (instructions for the Sheriff to follow). The writ of execution must state the details of the judgment that created the lien, such as the parties, the debt, the date and where the judgment was entered. The writ will order the Sheriff to take your property that is not exempt to pay the judgment. worldlawdirect.com Alexander Demidov)
busin. приведение приговора в исполнение; выполнение решения суда (the procedure provided for by civil procedural legislation, by which the decisions of the judicial, arbitration, and other bodies are executed. In Soviet law, according to the rules of the final process, the following have to be executed: decisions, rulings, and decrees of courts in civil cases; sentences, rulings, and decrees of courts in criminal cases involving’recovery of property; decrees of a judge or a court and sentences of comrades’ courts involving recovery of property in connection with administrative offenses; peaceful settlement confirmed by the court; certification of a judgment by notarial offices; decisions of arbitration tribunals in cases provided for by law; decisions of the Maritime and Foreign Trade arbitration commissions; demands to pay that have been accepted by the payer but are unpaid on time; decisions of comrades’ courts; decisions of commissions on labor disputes; decrees of local factory committees for labor disputes and for disputes over redress of an injury and the like. Judicial and arbitration decisions are executed on the basis of documents of execution by the marshal of the court or by a bank. Measures for compulsory execution include levy of execution upon the property of the debtor (through attachment of property and sale of property); levy of execution upon wages, pensions, scholarships, and other kinds of income and upon money and property of the debtor in the possession of third parties; and taking from the debtor and transfer to the execution creditor of things mentioned in the court decision. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc – АД)
law подлежащий приговора; приведение в исполнение судебного решения
notar. исполнение судебного решения
execution of judgment
: 9 phrases in 2 subjects
Notarial practice5