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estoppel [ɪˈstɒpəl, AmE: esˈtɑːpəl] nstresses
law предъявление встречного иска
law, com.law эстоппель (law-enc.net); процессуальный отвод (person precluded by own acts, omission, etc from claiming rights to which he otherwise would have been entitled); лишение права возражения; лишение стороны права оспаривать какие-либо факты; утрата права возражения; утрата права стороны ссылаться на какие-либо факты или отрицать какие-либо факты; лишение права изменять заявление о фактах; лишение возможности ссылаться (1) A rule of evidence by which a person is prevented from denying that a certain state of affairs exists, having previously asserted that it does. 2) (promissory estoppel) The rule that if a person has declared that the strict legal rights under a contract will not be insisted upon, they cannot be insisted upon later if the other party has relied on that declaration. The strict legal rights may, however, be enforced on giving reasonable notice, if this would not be inequitable. 3) (proprietary estoppel) The rule that if one person allows or encourages another person to act to his or her detriment in respect of land, he or she will not later be able to refuse to grant something that he or she allowed the other person to expect. For example, if A encourages B to build a garage, which can only be reached by driving over A's land, saying that a right of way will be granted, A will not later be able to refuse to do so. OF&B Alexander Demidov); лишение права возражения (лишение лица права ссылаться на какие-либо факты ввиду ранее им же сделанного заявления об обратном); лишение стороны права ссылаться на какие-либофакты
 English thesaurus
estoppel [ɪˈstɒpəl, AmE: esˈtɑːpəl] n
law "estoppel"; An act or statement that prevents a person from later making claims to the contrary
law, com.law a bar or impediment raised by the law, which precludes a man from alleging or from denying a certain fact or state of facts, in consequence of his previous allegation or denial or conduct or admission, or in consequence of a final adjudication of the matter in a court of law (thelaw.com); a legal doctrine, such as collateral estoppel, which prevents a party from relitigating the facts or issues that were already decided upon in an earlier court decision (For example, if a driver collided with several cars when drunk and the first driver obtained a judgment based on a finding that the defendant was drunk, the driver cannot assert that he or she was not drunk during the lawsuits brought by the other plaintiffs. thelaw.com); a judicial device in common law legal systems whereby a court may prevent or "estop" a person from making assertions or from going back on his or her word (wikipedia.org)
estoppel between non-parties
: 54 phrases in 6 subjects