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EPU abbr.stresses
avia. блок аварийного энергопитания; внешний блок питания (mixor)
bank. расчётная единица Европейского платёжного союза (European payment unit); Европейский платёжный союз (European Payments Union)
IT блок электропитания
 English thesaurus
epu abbr.
abbr. electrical power unit; electronic power unit; emergency power unit
EPU abbr.
abbr. Early Production Unit; Ever Populated Unlimited; European Payment Union; European Payments Union; extended processor unit
abbr., avia. external power unit (mixor); estimated position uncertainty; electronic processing unit
abbr., build.mat. Expanded PolyUrethane (вспененный полиуретан gorbulenko)
abbr., earth.sc. Environmental Projects Unit
abbr., el. effectiveness of processor utilization; evaluation and programming unit; execution processing unit
abbr., fin. Entry Processing Unit
abbr., IT Electronic Processor Unit
abbr., med. Epidermal Proliferative Unit
abbr., mil. Emergency Power Unit; expeditionary port unit
abbr., mil., avia. electric power unit; electrical power unit
abbr., scottish Electronic Purchasing by Units (RAAF)
abbr., space electric power unit
tech. extended processing unit
Epu abbr.
abbr. European payment unit
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects