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electorate [ɪ'lekt(ə)rɪt] nstresses
gen. избиратели; избирательный округ; избиратель; состав избирателей; земли курфюрста; голоса избирателей; контингент выборщиков; контингент избирателей; сан курфюрста; владение курфюрста
hist. курфюршество
law избирательный корпус
polit., coll. электорат ("That is certainly what gives Trump a floor: By stoking those cultural war fires you are going to win over a certain share of the electorate that has this more racist and sexist and xenophobic views," says Brian Schaffner, a Tufts University political scientist who has extensively studied the correlation between political preferences and cultural attitudes. cnn.com)
electorate: 9 phrases in 4 subjects