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noun | verb | to phrases
electioneering [ɪ'lekʃə'nɪ(ə)rɪŋ] nstresses
gen. предвыборная кампания; проведение предвыборной кампании; предвыборная агитация (Students held up banners in English that read "Ukraine is part of Europe!" and "Back to Russia? Oh bitch, pls!". Their target was not local media but the TV cameras of the west, though in nearby European Square another rally has also been in full swing, with slogans in Ukrainian and political parties vying for a piece of the action despite the students' request that they refrain from electioneering at this time. 4uzhoj); участие в выборах (the activity of making speeches and visiting people to try to persuade them to vote for a particular politician or political party in an election. OALD Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг участие в избирательной кампании
electioneer [ɪ'leklə'nɪə] v
gen. проводить предвыборную кампанию; вести предвыборную агитацию за кандидата; агитировать за кандидата; заискивать при выборах; интриговать при выборах
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects