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ENO nstresses
cust. Регистрационный номер (Entry Number Horacio_O)
eNos ['i:nɔs] n
med. эндотелиальная синтаза окиси азота (endothelial nitric oxide synthase qwerty)
Enos ['i:nɔs] n
gen. Инос; Энос
bible.term. Енос
eNOS ['i:nɔs] n
pharm. эндотелиальная NO-синтаза (endothelial NO synthase Pustovit)
 English thesaurus
ENO abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Greek Standard Committee
ENOS ['i:nɔs] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. European Network of Ocean Station
ENO abbr.
abbr. English National Opera
abbr., mil., avia. expected number of operations
abbr., progr. enable output (ssn)
tech. extraordinary nuclear occurrence
eNOS ['i:nɔs] abbr.
abbr., med. endothelial nitric oxide synthase
ENOS ['i:nɔs] abbr.
abbr. European Network of Ocean Stations
eNO abbr.
abbr. exhaled nitric oxide (Игорь_2006)
: 11 phrases in 2 subjects