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dx abbr.stresses
gen. дуплексный; двусторонний; дуплекс
dril. двойной (duplex)
law обмен данными (document exchange antoxi)
DX abbr.
gen. индекс в системе обмена документами (Document eXchange) почтовый индекс юридической фирмы в специализированной системе обмена документами) A DX reference is a special postal code for a given solicitor's office. DX stands for Document eXchange and has next-day 9am delivery as standard. In some ways it's more like a massive internal mail system within the legal profession than an external postal system. Legal work requires a lot of hard copy documents to be moved around quickly and securely, and the DX system is how this occurs. 4uzhoj); Код адресата в системе обмена документами (Document exchange is a system used by many professionals, especially lawyers and insurers, to exchange documents with other members of a document exchange A document exchange operator provides facilities for the exchange of documents, including the transportation between document exchange facilities. It is not intended that the system should offer door-to-door delivery. The system originated in provincial towns and around the Inns of Court to enable local lawyers and other professionals to have a pigeon hole system to exchange documents without relying on the postal system. Such centres exist elsewhere in Europe, but almost uniquely in the United Kingdom the document exchange system has become more sophisticated and now includes collection and delivery between document exchange by third parties. For example, a solicitor in London can take material to the document exchange of which he is a member, which can then be transported to a document exchange in Liverpool for collection by a solicitor. The intention is not to permit end-to-end delivery and provide a potential viable alternative postal system to that of the licensed universal service provider outside the scope of the licensed area. Members must go to their own document exchange to drop off and collect mail 4uzhoj)
busin. цифровая трансформация (digital transformation wikipedia.org guraira); перевод бизнеса на цифровые технологии (digital transformation wikipedia.org guraira)
el. расстояние; длина; дальность; промежуток; интервал (напр. временной)
IT вариант микропроцессора Intel-80386 и 80486 с 32-битовой шиной данных (в отличие от более дешёвых и менее быстродействующих микропроцессоров типа SX, в которых используется 16-битовая шина данных)
med. диагноз (mazurov)
mil. наивысшая категория очерёдности выпуска промышленной продукции
radio дальняя станция (Oleg Sollogub); редкая станция (у радиолюбителей Oleg Sollogub)
refrig. непосредственное охлаждение (Охлаждение непосредственным испарением хладагента. Сокращение DX часто употребляется в названиях холодильной техники. При переводе на русский язык к названию обычно добавляется "с непосредственным охлаждением". Yuriy Melnikov); непосредственное испарение (хладагента Yuriy Melnikov)
st.exch. индекс доллара США (встречается в некоторых биржевых изданиях TransUz)
Dx abbr.
pharma. Декстроза (igor.lazarev)
 English thesaurus
dx abbr.
chat., med. diagnosed (Is the person you're talking about a dx narcissist? allacronyms.com Shabe)
polym. duplex
DX abbr.
abbr. Dat's Xpensive; Degeneration X; digital index (gconnell); document exchange (gconnell); Distance as in long distance radio communication
abbr., auto. deluxe
abbr., avia. duplex operation; access demanded; long distance
abbr., commun. Digital Input & Output unit; Digital Input&Output unit
abbr., comp., IT Digital Xchange
abbr., comp., net. Directory Exchange
abbr., ed., scient. Delta Chi
abbr., el. data exchange; data explorer; design exchange (solution); dial exchange; donor-complex trapping center; donor-unknown center
abbr., el., scient. Deep Donor in III-V compounds
abbr., file.ext. Cross-reference data (THOR database); Document (Data explorer); Text file (DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus)
abbr., IT Cross-reference data; Declare X; Direct X; Document; Duplex; Text file
abbr., math., scient. the Derivative of X
abbr., med. Diagnosis
abbr., mil. Direct Exchange; Directorate for External Relations (DIA)
abbr., oil development well workover; distance
abbr., physiol., med. Disease
abbr., radio, scient. Distance Reception
abbr., radio.amat. distance communication
abbr., refrig. direct expansion
abbr., st.exch. Dynex Capital, Inc.
abbr., telecom. distant
abbr., transp. Delta X
comp. direct current signalling
IT Distance (as in long distance radio communication)
mil. direct exchange; distant reception
physiol., health., med. Discharged
tech. distant exchange; duplex repeater; long distance communication; priority
Dx abbr.
abbr., med. diagnosis (Vosoni); dextran
DX. abbr.
abbr., tech. distance
: 57 phrases in 19 subjects
Information technology3
Mass media2
Nuclear physics1
Quality control and standards1
Sakhalin R1
Thermal engineering1
Радиоактивное излучение4