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DPL abbr.stresses
gen. Законодательство о защите информации (Data Protection Legislation vicpol); ламинат прямого давления (Direct Pressure Laminate DimWin); ламинат низкого давления (DimWin)
comp., net. уровень полномочий диспетчера
Gruzovik, IT уровень привилегий дескриптора (descriptor privilege level)
PSP паспортная табличка устройства (Shmelev Alex)
surg. диагностическое промывание брюшины (diagnostic peritoneal lavage mazurov)
 English thesaurus
dpl abbr.
abbr. deployment
abbr., earth.sc. drift-pluvial deposits
abbr., oil duplex
DPL abbr.
abbr. Denied Persons List; Doctor of Patent Law; declared peak load
abbr., anim.husb. dried poultry litter
abbr., avia. Detailed Parts List (Interex); during deploy (Interex); detail part list; drawing parts list
abbr., bible.term., scient. Denver Public Library
abbr., BrE Director of Pioneers and Labour
abbr., busin. disposable personal income; diploma; diplomat
abbr., commun. Dedicated Passenger Line
abbr., earth.sc. Desalination Plants, Limited (Israel)
abbr., el. digital light processing (ssn); data processing language; data protection layer; design procedure language; DEX programming language; differential photoluminescence spectrum; dispersed pulse level; dual-polarization laser
abbr., fin. development policy loan
abbr., hi-fi Dolby Pro Logic ->
abbr., IT Descriptor Privilege Level; Digital Power Line; Digital Private Line
abbr., med. Daily Protein Loss (I. Havkin); diagnostic peritoneal lavage (iwona); dipalmitoyl lecithin; distopulpolingual
abbr., mil. Degausser Products List
abbr., mil., avia. data link processor
abbr., mil., WMD demilitarization process line; Destruction Process Line
abbr., oil Drilling Porosity Log; drillpipe electric log; deep propagation log; density porosity limestone; dew point locus; diagenetic porosity loss
abbr., opt. diode-pumped laser
abbr., physiol., med. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
abbr., progr. descriptor privilege level (ssn)
abbr., space declared process list; diode-pumped solid-state laser
abbr., sport., med. diastolic pressure lowered
abbr., st.exch. D P L, Inc.
abbr., textile Delta pine land cotton
airports, avia. Dipolog, Philippines
busin. Distribution Point
ecol. dissolved phosphate level
mil. development prototype launcher; distribution plot list; double propellant loading
tech. dipole; document processing language; drive power, low
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