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do someone's biddingstresses
gen. исполнять чьи-либо приказания; угодить (alikssepia); подыгрывать (U.S. officials who opposed the decision to go after al-Nusra's wider leadership warned that the United States would effectively be doing the Assad government's bidding by weakening a group on the front line of the counter-Assad fight. VLZ_58); лить воду на мельницу (U.S. officials who opposed the decision to go after al-Nusra's wider leadership warned that the United States would effectively be doing the Assad government's bidding by weakening a group on the front line of the counter-Assad fight. VLZ_58); уступать чьей-то просьбе ("Already yesterday I was aware of this, and that's why I was eager to do your bidding" eugenealper); исполнить чьи-либо приказания; выполнять поручения (Уст. The servant grumbled but did his employer's bidding. Am I expected to do your bidding whenever you ask? TheWyld); подчиняться (TheWyld); выполнять требования (6Grimmjow6); следовать велениям (6Grimmjow6); следовать приказам (6Grimmjow6); осуществлять волю (6Grimmjow6); повиноваться (6Grimmjow6); играть на руку (U.S. officials who opposed the decision to go after al-Nusra's wider leadership warned that the United States would effectively be doing the Assad government's bidding by weakening a group on the front line of the counter-Assad fight. VLZ_58); угождать (alikssepia); следовать указаниям (6Grimmjow6)
animat. выполнять чьё-либо распоряжение (I was doing my father's bidding South_Park)
inf. пойти на поводу у; идти на поводу у (U.S. officials who opposed the decision to go after al-Nusra's wider leadership warned that the United States would effectively be doing the Assad government's bidding by weakening a group on the front line of the counter-Assad fight.)
Makarov. действовать по чьему-либо приказанию; действовать по чьему-либо требованию
Makarov., obs. выполнять чью-либо просьбу
subl. исполнять веление (Speak to us, Lord, and we will do your bidding. 6Grimmjow6); исполнять наказ (6Grimmjow6)
do bidding
: 17 phrases in 1 subject