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devise and bequeathstresses
notar. завещать (a common legal phrase used in will drafting indicating the transfer of gifts and property. In the past, wills would "devise" land and "bequeath" personal property. This distinction could cause trouble if someone unaware of it used the words incorrectly, or wordiness if they used both unnecessarily. The word "give" does not raise these difficulties. The Law Commission asks if we need new legislation on interpreting wills. For example, should both "devise" and "bequeath" mean "give" unless a contrary intention appears?: "I give, devise, and bequeath the remainder of my estate, including all real and personal property which I own at my death not otherwise effectively disposed of, to the trustee of the Thomas A. Hughes Revocable Living Trust dated September 12, 20xx. This gift, devise, and bequest shall be added to the trust property and held and distributed in accordance with the terms of the trust.)
devise and bequeath
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