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gen. стягиваться к (David and Will crossed to Amelia Brace live in Washington as protesters started to descend on The White House. 4uzhoj); нагрянуть к (That would be impossible if our family and friends descended on us en masse. • About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs. 4uzhoj); нисходить; переходить; упасть на; обрушиться на; нагрянуть
inf. приваливать; привалить
police прибыть на место происшествия (“I thought it was bombs going off,” she told the NOW. “It was so loud, and then there was just smoke all over the place, and all of a sudden, through the smoke, there’s like 15 cops. It was crazy.” About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs. – Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver)
descending on: 5 phrases in 3 subjects