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default judgmentstresses
busin. заочное решение суда (May be obtained without a hearing by the claimant if the defendant fails to reply or pay within a 14 day period after service of the claim. A claimant can apply for a default judgment if the amount claimed is specified or for a judgment on liability if the amount claimed is unspecified. LT Alexander Demidov)
law судебное решение в пользу истца вследствие неявки ответчика (If the defendant fails to file an acknowledgment of service or fails to file a defence – provided that in either case the time for doing so has expired – the claimant can normally ask the court to enter what is (and also was previously) called a default judgment. CME Alexander Demidov); решение, выносимое без слушаний по существу (в вольном переводе – "заочное решение" (с) Роман Марченко 4uzhoj)
 English thesaurus
default judgment
law court decision in favor of the plaintiff when the defendant doesn't respond, answer or go to court when they're supposed to
default judgment
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Notarial practice2