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cost benefit analysis [ˌkɒstˌbenǝfɪtǝ'nælǝsɪs]stresses
account. СВА (сравнительный анализ затрат и результатов)
energ.ind. анализ доходности; анализ затраты – выгоды; анализ рентабельности; анализ экономической эффективности
med. анализ стоимости и эффективности
O&G анализ затрат и результатов (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sahk.r. анализ эффективности затрат
tech. анализ "экономической выгоды"
“cost benefit” analysis
tech. анализ "экономической выгоды" (jbec)
cost-benefit analysis
gen. анализ экономического эффекта инвестиций (Cost–benefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefit costs analysis (BCA), is a systematic approach to estimate the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives (for example in transactions, activities, functional business requirements or projects investments); it is used to determine options that provide the best approach to achieve benefits while preserving savings. The CBA is also defined as a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a decision, policy (with particular regard to government policy) or (in general) project. WK Alexander Demidov); оценка экономического эффекта (abbr CBA) also benefit-cost analysis) noun [C,U] Economics ) the activity of comparing the cost of doing something with the profit or advantages that result from it, in order to see whether it is worth doing: A cost-benefit analysis was carried out before the new harbour was built. OBED Alexander Demidov); анализ "затраты-выгоды" (оценка полных затрат на единицу получаемых выгод для общества и экосистем, связанных с определенной экономич. деят-тью и включающих как прямые, так и нематериальные затраты и выгоды); анализ эффективности затрат (оценка полных затрат на единицу получаемых выгод для общества и экосистем, связанных с определенной экономич. деят-тью и включающих как прямые, так и нематериальные затраты и выгоды); анализ преимуществ и недостатков (A technique used in capital budgeting that takes into account the estimated costs to be incurred by a proposed investment and the estimated benefits likely to arise from it. In a financial appraisal the benefits may arise from an increase in the revenue from a product or service, from saved costs, or from other cash inflows, but in an economic appraisal the economic benefits, such as the value of time saved or of fewer accidents resulting from a road improvement, often require to be valued. OB&M Alexander Demidov); технико-экономический расчёт (The attempt to compare the total social costs and benefits of an activity, usually expressed in money terms. The costs and benefits concerned include not only direct pecuniary costs and benefits, but also externality, meaning external effects not traded in markets. These include external costs, for example pollution, noise, and disturbance to wildlife, and external benefits such as reductions in travelling time or traffic accidents. If total social benefits of an activity exceed total social costs this can justify public works such as motorway building, or subsidizing projects which are not privately profitable. If total social costs exceed total social benefits this can justify preventing projects such as building in green belts, even when these would be privately profitable. Because non-marketed costs and benefits are difficult to measure and evaluate, the results of cost-benefit analysis can be highly controversial. OE Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг анализ эффективности затрат; оценка эффективности; оценка рентабельности; сопоставление уровня затрат и получаемых выгод; оценка экономической целесообразности; анализ затратной эффективности; анализ экономической эффективности затрат; анализ затратоэффективности
adv. анализ затрат и полезного эффекта; сравнительный анализ затрат и полезного эффекта
busin. анализ затрат и результатов; межотраслевой анализ (CBA)
construct. технико-экономическое обоснование (Кунделев)
corp.gov. анализ затрат-результатов
data.prot. выгоды; анализ выгоды; анализ по критерию "затраты-риск"
EBRD анализ затрат-выгод; анализ эффективности затрат (CBA raf); анализ "затраты-выгоды эффект" (CBA raf)
ecol. анализ рентабельности
econ. анализ издержек и выгод (издержки и выгоды могут принимать не только денежную форму A.Rezvov); анализ затрат; оценка экономической эффективности (Alexander Matytsin); анализ стоимости и прибылей; сравнительный анализ затрат и результатов
el. анализ технико-экономической эффективности; анализ стоимости-прибыли
energ.ind. анализ затраты-выгоды; метод анализа энергетических проектов, в котором учитываются затраты и прибыль
environ. анализ эффективности (The attempt to assess, compare and frequently justify the total price or loss represented by a certain activity or expenditure with the advantage or service it provides; Любой систематизированный, количественный анализ государственного проекта, необходимый для того, чтобы установить, насколько выгоды от его реализации оправдывают понесенные затраты)
fin. анализ затрат и эффективности
IT анализ по критерию "затраты-выгода"
law расчёт экономического эффекта (An approach to public decisionmaking. Quotes below from Sugden and Williams, 1978 p. 236, with some reordering: "Cost-benefit analysis is a 'scientific' technique, or a way of organizing thought which is used to compare alternative social states or courses of action." "Cost-benefit analysis shows how choices should be made so as to pursue some given objective as efficiently as possible." "It has two essential characteristics, consistency and explicitness. Consistency is the principle that decisions between alternatives should be consistent with оbjectives....Cost-benefit analysis is explicit in that it seeks to showXhaX. particular decisions are the logical implications of particular, stated, objectives." "The analyst's skill is his ability to use this technique. He is hired to use this skill on behalf of his client, the decision-maker..... [The analyst] has the right to refuse offers of employment that would require him to use his skills in ways that he believes to be wrong. But to accept the role of analyst is to agree to work with the client's objectives." p. 241: Two functions of cost-benefit analysis: It "assists the decision-maker to pursue objectives that are, by virtue of the community's assent to the decision-making process, social objectives. And by making explicit what these objectives are, it makes the decision-maker more accountable to the community." This view of cost-benefit analysis, unlike the narrower value-free interpretation of the decision-making approach, provides a justification for cost-benefit analysis that is independent of the preferences of the analyst's immediate client An important consequence of this is that the role of the analyst is not completely subservient to that of the decision-maker. Because the analyst has some responsibility of principles over and above those held by the decision-maker, he may have to ask questions that the decision-maker would prefer not to answer, and which expose to debate conflicts of judgement and of interest that might otherwise comfortably have been concealed." econterms.com Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. анализ "затраты-выгоды"; анализ затраты-польза
math. анализ затрат и выгод
med. анализ результативности затрат
mil., avia. анализ "стоимость-выигрыш"
mining. анализ "издержки-выгоды" (Проводится, чтобы удостовериться в том, что никакое альтернативное использование ресурсов, которые должны быть потреблена в рамках данного проекта, не принесло бы лучших результатов с точки зрения реализации задач страны/региона soa.iya)
nucl.phys., OHS анализ прибыли по стоимости
qual.cont. анализ выгодности затрат
sec.sys. инженерно-экономический анализ; функционально-стоимостный анализ (Alexander Demidov)
seism. анализ экономической эффективности
sociol. сопоставление расходов и доходов
tech. анализ экономической эффективности (A technique of constructing a balance sheet of the consequences of a project or activity. By definition, it is a method of assessment which uses monetary units. When used by a private company it is essentially a way of calculating what profit or loss can be expected, but it goes beyond simple versions of such a calculation by insisting on a ‘full balance sheet'. On the cost side, for example, this would include the ‘opportunity cost' of the resources involved, including the income which might be derived from investing available money in assets which carry the minimum risk. Benefits might include good publicity for the company, so that a nominal loss on a project might be shown by cost-benefit analysis to be a real gain. In the sphere of public investment, cost-benefit analysis takes on extra dimensions of complexity, since it is required to assess the full range of costs and benefits not just to the municipal or nationalized company involved, nor even to the government, but to the whole population. In such a calculation all social costs and benefits must be assessed, including those which are ‘external' to the transactions involved, which would not be considered by a private company. CODP Alexander Demidov); анализ экономической эффективности (AD); анализ доходности
nat.res. анализ затрат-выгод; сравнение затрат с выгодами
Cost-Benefit Analysis
gen. АВЗ (анализ выгодности затрат Artjaazz); АЗЭ (анализ затрат-эффективности Artjaazz)
cost-benefit analyses
O&G анализ затрат и выгод (olga garkovik)
cost/benefit analysis
el. анализ соотношения затраты/прибыль
 English thesaurus
Cost Benefit Analysis [ˌkɒstˌbenǝfɪtǝ'nælǝsɪs]
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. CBA
cost/ benefit analysis
: 35 phrases in 14 subjects
Energy industry2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4
Nuclear and fusion power1
Nuclear physics9
Research and development1
Water resources1