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conflict of law rulestresses
gen. коллизионная норма (Stas-Soleil); коллизионное правило (Stas-Soleil)
conflict of laws rule
law норма коллизионного права (that the national court, when applying a foreign law, does not give an extraterritorial effect but recognizes, through its own "conflict of laws rule", that the situation at hand falls under the scope of application of the foreign rule. In order to understand this argument one must first define the notion of extraterritorial application of a rule. WK Alexander Demidov)
conflict of law rules
gen. нормы коллизионного права (Lavrov)
conflict-of-laws rules
law коллизионные нормы (Rori)
conflict -of-laws rules: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
International law1