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condictio nstresses
law кондикция (In Roman law, a general term for actions of a personal nature, founded upon an obligation to give or do a certain and defined thing or service. It is distinguished from vindicatio rei, which is an action to vindicate one's right of property in a thing by regaining (or retaining) possession of it against the adverse claim of the other party // Обязательство из неосновательного обогащения, или, что одно и то же, кондикционное обязательство, относится к числу охранительных обязательств. Его содержание образуют требование о возврате неосновательного обогащения, которое иначе называют кондикцией (condictio) или притязанием из неосновательного обогащения, и корреспондирующая этому требованию обязанность возвратить неосновательное обогащение.: A claim for unjust enrichment by one of two friends who bought a property together in order to benefit economically from living in the same house, through which one made transfers of money for the benefit of the other, which were not based on any underlying condition such as promise of cohabitation, was relevantly brought as an instance of the Roman law condictio ob causam finitam. This is recognised in Scots law despite the lack of case law to that effect. org.uk 'More)
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