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commitment letterstresses
gen. гарантийное письмо (A legally binding letter in which a lender documents the terms, prerequisites and conditions under which it agrees to provide financing to an applicant. Commitment letters may be used in almost any lending transaction but are most common in commercial real estate transactions. American Banker Glossary. Lender's written undertaking to a borrower that a certain sum at a certain rate of interest will be made available on borrower's demand during a certain period, provided the requirements detailed in the offer are fulfilled. Borrowers use this evidence of commitment to arrange bridge financing, and lenders charge a commitment fee for this service. Also called loan commitment letter, or letter of commitment. BusinessDictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
bank. извещение об открытии кредитной линии; письменное обязательство
EBRD письмо-обязательство (raf); обязательство банка или иного кредитора предоставить средства (raf)
commitment letter
: 13 phrases in 8 subjects
Corporate governance1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2