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come in contactstresses
gen. сталкиваться (to meet up with and learn about someone or something: I have never come in contact with anything so difficult. • Have you ever come into contact with trigonometry before? 4uzhoj)
idiom. столкнуться (to meet up with and learn about someone or something: I have never come in contact with anything so difficult. • Have you ever come into contact with trigonometry before? 4uzhoj)
Makarov. вступать в контакт; вступить в контакт (to begin began communicating with: It was during that time that native people first came in contact with the settlers.); вступать в контакт (to begin began communicating with: It was during that time that native people first came in contact with the settlers.)
med. контактировать (с больным или с другими людьми, будучи больным: He came in contact with almost no one. • How many people have come into contact with the sick man?)
mil., arm.veh. входить в соприкосновение
tech. приходить в контакт (with)
comes in contact
: 16 phrases in 6 subjects