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collateral estoppelstresses
law преюдиция; обстоятельство, установленное ранее по другому делу (An affirmative defense barring a party from relitigating an issue determined against that party in an earlier action, even if the second action differs significantly from the first one. – Also termed issue preclusion; issue estoppel; direct estoppel; estoppel by judgment; estoppel by record; estoppel by verdict; cause-of-action estoppel; estoppel per remjudicatam. Cf. RES JUDICATA. administrative collateral estoppel. Estoppel that arises from a decision made by an agency acting in a judicial capacity. defensive collateral estoppel. Estoppel asserted by a defendant to prevent a plaintiff from relitigating an issue previously decided against the plaintiff and for another defendant. offensive collateral estoppel. Estoppel asserted by a plaintiff to prevent a defendant from relitigating an issue previously decided against the defendant and for another plaintiff. BL Alexander Demidov)