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classified informationstresses
gen. секретные данные; конфиденциальная информация; секретные материалы (Classified information is protected material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Access is restricted by law or regulation to particular groups of people, and mishandling can incur criminal penalties and loss of respect. A formal security clearance is often required to handle classified documents or access classified data. The clearance process usually requires a satisfactory background investigation. Documents and other information assets are typically marked with one of several (hierarchical) levels of sensitivity – e.g. restricted, confidential, secret and top secret. WK Alexander Demidov); эксклюзивная информация (Classified information is protected material that a government body claims is sensitive information that requires protection of confidentiality, integrity, or availability. Access is restricted by law or regulation to particular groups of people, and mishandling can incur criminal penalties and loss of respect. A formal security clearance is often required to handle classified documents or access classified data. The clearance process usually requires a satisfactory background investigation. Documents and other information assets are typically marked with one of several (hierarchical) levels of sensitivity – e.g. restricted, confidential, secret and top secret. WK Alexander Demidov); сведения, не подлежащие оглашению
EBRD сугубо конфиденциальная информация
econ. засекреченная информация
Gruzovik, mil. военная тайна
law секретная информация; информация ограниченного распространения; информация с ограниченным доступом (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
media. официальная информация в любой форме, требующая защиты в интересах национальной безопасности; информация, которая должна быть обработана по определённым правилам для предупреждения несанкционированного раскрытия (гриф секретности)
mil. данные с ограниченным доступом (подразумеваются различные уровни допуска Sergey Old Soldier)
mil., WMD закрытая информация
NATO информация ограниченного доступа (Yeldar Azanbayev)
polit. государственная тайна (jaime marose)
tech. секретные сведения
classify information
gen. засекречивать информацию; засекретить информацию (data, tools, etc., и т.д.); объявить информацию и т.д. секретной (data, tools, etc.)
 English thesaurus
classified information
USA Official information that has been determined to require, in the interests of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure and which has been so designated (JP 2-01.2)
classified information
: 76 phrases in 16 subjects
Criminal law1
Information security and data protection2
Intelligence and security services9
International relations3
Notarial practice1
Security systems16