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chip away atstresses
gen. мало-помалу напр. бороться с... (Tanya Gesse); постепенно подрывать (His failures chipped away at his self-confidence. VLZ_58); постепенно разрушать (The constant bombardment of television and the internet is chipping away at the unique identity of this indigenous tribe. ART Vancouver); постепенно сводить на нет (There have been endless efforts to chip away at [=gradually reduce] social prejudice. VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг перечёркивать; сводить на нет; свести на нет; уничтожить; наносить урон; подорвать; подрывать изнутри; ослаблять позиции; оказать негативное влияние на; повреждать; навредить; нейтрализовать; негативно сказаться на
media. ослабить (The US, joined by several coalition partners, is also conducting daily air strikes to chip away at Isis's grip on large parts of Iraq. 4uzhoj); ослаблять (The US, joined by several coalition partners, is also conducting daily air strikes to chip away at Isis's grip on large parts of Iraq. 4uzhoj)
chip away at
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects
Foreign policy1
Mass media3