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Cer nstresses
relig. кер; демоническое существо
CER abbr.
gen. сотовая радиотелефонная связь
bank. постоянный обменный курс (constant exchange rate Julietteka)
clim. ЗУВ; заверенное уменьшение выбросов
construct. объективная оценка (экспертная оценка, CER (cold eyes review) konstmak)
ecol. Сертифицированные сокращения выбросов (ССВ; Certified Emission Reductions; термин в Киотском протоколе she-stas)
el. радиосвязь с сотовой структурой зоны обслуживания; сотовая радиосвязь; сотовая система радиосвязи
file.ext. канонические правила кодирования
geogr. Регион континентальной Европы (Continental European Region Andrissimo)
Gruzovik, econ. Центр экономических исследований Техасского университета США (Center for Economic Research)
med. протокол клинической оценки (Clinical Evaluation Report schyzomaniac); отчёт о клинической оценке (MichaelBurov)
med.appl. пользовательский лог событий (MichaelBurov); пользовательский лог (MichaelBurov)
product. холодильный коэффициент (Yeldar Azanbayev)
railw. Сообщество европейских железных дорог (Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies; источник – Англо-французско-немецко-русский словарь аббревиатур, используемых в ОСЖД – osjd.org ViNira)
scient. исследования сравнительной эффективности (a_goryachevsky); сравнительное исследование эффективности (a_goryachevsky)
tech. керамический ("ceramic" Углов)
 English thesaurus
cer. abbr.
abbr. ceramics
abbr., earth.sc. ceramic
cer abbr.
abbr. ceramic
CER abbr.
abbr. Capital Expenditure Request; Closer Economic Relations; Controlled Energy Release; Cell Error Ratio (ATM); certified emission reductions (термин в Киотском протоколе Leonid Dzhepko); Commission for Energy Regulation; Controlled Environment Rooms; Cryptographic Equipment Room
abbr., auto. cold enrichment rod (Ford)
abbr., avia. cost estimation relationship; community educational radio service
abbr., BrE Controller of Research and Development Establishments and Research
abbr., clim. CER
abbr., commun. Community of European Railways
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Educational Restoration
abbr., el. character error rate; conductive electron-beam resist; contactless electroreflectance method; cost-efficiency ratio
abbr., environ. Carbon Emission Reduction
abbr., file.ext. Canonical Encoding Rules; Compilation error messages (Lahey Fortran)
abbr., fr., avia. control essais et reception
abbr., IT Compilation error messages; Security certificate; cellular radio
abbr., lab.eq. Center for Evaluation and Research
abbr., law cross-product master agreement (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., market. Customer Experience Registration (Метран)
abbr., med. Center For Evaluation And Research; control event rate (harser); conditioned emotional response
abbr., med.appl. Customer Event Report (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Comprehensive Evaluation Reports; Cost Estimating Relationship; Combat Engineer Regiment (13.05)
abbr., nautic., scient. Coordinated Ecosystem Research
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. central equipment room
abbr., opt. contactless electroreflectance
abbr., pharma. Clinical Expert Report (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Capsule, Extended Release
abbr., railw. Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (Maximoose)
abbr., refrig. controlled environment room
abbr., scient. Centre for European Reform; comparative effectiveness research (a_goryachevsky)
abbr., scottish Communication Equipment Room; Cost Estimating Relationships
airports, avia. Cherbourg, France
energ.ind. certified emission reduction; CO2 emission reduction; complete engineering release
mil. certification evaluation review; change evaluation request; combat effectiveness report; commanders evaluation report; complete engine repair; control of electromagnetic radiation; cost estimating relationship
tech. condition evaluation report; country evaluation review; critical experiment reactor
Cer abbr.
abbr., med. creatinine clearance
CER abbr.
abbr. computer equipment room (ava laing); Civil Engineering Report; coarse element refinement
abbr., busin. ceramics
abbr., earth.sc. carbon exchange rate; crop equivalency ratings
abbr., econ. cost-effective ratio
abbr., fin. coupon equivalent rate
abbr., med. clinical evaluation report (MichaelBurov)
abbr., met. constant strain rate
abbr., oil cation exchange resin; chief executive roughneck; cross linked electron resist; cumulative energy recovered
abbr., space cell error rate; channel error rate
abbr., telecom. cell error ratio
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects