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center aroundstresses
gen. вращаться вокруг (чего-либо Beloshapkina); идти вокруг (Much of the discussion centered around a lack of financial literacy, which can leave some vulnerable to taking on debt that they can't repay, with exorbitant interest rates or balloon payments. VLZ_58); зиждиться на (It's worth noting that at the time, the White House was proud of the approach it took during the 2011 Libya intervention, which centered around sharing the burden with European allies, avoiding the deployment of U.S. ground troops, and leaving the toppling of Qaddafi as well as the political and physical reconstruction to Libyans. bloomberg.com); сводиться к (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг уделять основное внимание (в переводе требует преобразования по типу "основное внимание уделялось (чему-либо)")
explan. в основном сводиться к (требует изменения структуры предложения и переводится по контексту в каждом отдельном случае: "Why do you think it is folks take their own lives?" "I don't know. Different reasons." "Is there anything these different reasons has got in common?" "I can't speak for others. My own reasons center around a gradual loss of make-believe, a gradual enlightenment as to the nature of reality, of the world." googleusercontent.com)
 English thesaurus
center around
amer. if something centers around a person or thing, or is centered around them, they are its main subject of attention or interest (A substantial portion of the debate centered around the issue of coalitions. • The talk centered around trade relations with China. macmillandictionary.com)
center around
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects