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cadre ['kɑ:də] nstresses
party cadre
gen. остов; рамка; штат (в знач. "небольшой коллектив сотрудников"); схема; кадр; коллектив (The Directorate of Operations is a cadre of action- and results-oriented professionals. 4uzhoj); команда (a small group of specially trained people in a profession, political party, or military force: Already, the mayor is creating a cadre of business advisors to start brainstorming more ideas. • a cadre of highly trained scientists • a crafty cadre of penguins (Madagascar) 4uzhoj); группа специалистов (A small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession. ‘a cadre of professional managers' Bullfinch)
coll. партийные кадры (chiefly in communism) The core of a managing group); руководящие кадры (chiefly in communism – the core of a managing group)
mil. кадровый состав (ВС); постоянный состав (ВС); костяк (the skeleton upon which a new regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff 4uzhoj); основной личный состав (подразделения; the skeleton upon which a new regiment is to be formed)
mil., BrE учебная группа
mil., tech. каркас
nautic. кадры (A nucleus of trained personnel around which a larger organization can be built and trained cdc.gov mr_mariner)
railw. рама
soviet. кадровый состав (chiefly in communism) a member of a managing group); кадровый работник (chiefly in communism) a member of a managing group: After the war, he was a party cadre and worked as a correspondent for the daily newspaper Zeri i Popullit (The People's Voice). • Party cadres must guard against the temptations of power, money and sex.); партийный работник (chiefly in communism) a member of a managing group: After the war, he was a party cadre and worked as a correspondent for the daily newspaper Zeri i Popullit (The People's Voice). • Party cadres must guard against the temptations of power, money and sex.)
cadre ['kɑ:də] adj.
gen. кадровый военнослужащий
Gruzovik, mil. кадровый
mil. основной ЛС (подразделения)
CADRE ['kɑ:də] abbr.
Gruzovik, scient. автоматизированная информационно-поисковая система в области техники США (current awareness and document retrieval for engineers)
 English thesaurus
CADRE ['kɑ:də] abbr.
abbr. Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research, and Education
abbr., astronaut. Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration (MichaelBurov)
abbr., avia. center for aerospace doctrine research and education; compute aided design retrieval extrusion
abbr., el. crystallized amorphous deposits for relaxed epitaxy (process)
abbr., lab.eq. Centre for Aids Development Research end Evaluation
abbr., mil. Cover and Deception Research Encyclopedia
abbr., scottish Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education (USAF)
mil. completed active duty requirements, enlisted
CADRES abbr.
abbr., med. Coronary Artery Descriptors And Restenosis (project)
CADRE ['kɑ:də] abbr.
abbr., avia. Research; and Education
abbr., space Center for Aerospace Doctrine
: 57 phrases in 12 subjects
Human resources7
Intelligence and security services2