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cHb abbr.stresses
med. концентрация гемоглобина в крови (Лорина)
CHB abbr.
corp.gov. председатель совета директоров (Anstice)
 English thesaurus
cHb abbr.
abbr., med. blood hemoglobin concentration (Лорина)
CHB abbr.
abbr. Chibcha; Custom House Broker; credit history bureau (MichaelBurov); Curly Haired Bastard; customhouse broker
abbr., avia. chemical battery
abbr., chem. cyclohexyl benzene (Elkman)
abbr., el. character buffer
abbr., law custom-house broker (Булавина)
abbr., med. Centre For Human Bioethics; Chronic Hepatitis B; Complete Heart Block; Congenital Heart Block; chronic hepatitis B (хронический гепатит В aksolotle)
abbr., media. Cooperative Housing Bulletin
abbr., met. charcoal hammered bloom
abbr., mil. Cargo Handling Battalion; Container Handling Building; cargo-handling battalion
abbr., mil., WMD container handling building
abbr., oil chloroform bitumen; chloridised bodies; chloroformed bituminoid
abbr., radio Chain, home beamed
abbr., st.exch. Champion Enterprises, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Chung Hwi Builders
mil. cargo handling battalion; chief of the bureau
tech. Chain home beamed
ChB abbr.
gen. Bachelor of Surgery (ABelonogov)
abbr., med. Bachelor of Surgery (Chirurgiae Baccalaureus)
Chb abbr.
abbr. chabasite
chb abbr.
abbr., sport. centre half-back
cHb: 1 phrase in 1 subject