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cHL abbr.stresses
oncol. классическая лимфома Ходжкина (drschwarz)
CHL abbr.
gen. логические схемы с захватом тока
dril. хвостовик обсадной колонны (MichaelBurov); пластырь для обсадной колонны (MichaelBurov)
electr.eng. коэффициент мощности диэлектрических потерь изоляции трансформатора между обмотками ВН и НН (DRE)
chl abbr.
dril. хлорид (chloride)
 English thesaurus
CHL abbr.
abbr. Children's HeartLink; chain, home low
abbr., avia. Challis, Idaho USA
abbr., biochem. cholesterol (igisheva)
abbr., el. chain home low; current hogging logic
abbr., health., med. Crown-Heel Length
abbr., hockey. Canadian Hockey League (сокр. Alexey Lebedev)
abbr., IT Configuration History Log
abbr., law Concealed Handgun Licence
abbr., med. Chinese Hamster Lung; Chlorambucil; Chloramphenicol; Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma; Chinese hamster lung (клетки легкого китайского хомячка Земцова Н.)
abbr., mil., air.def. chain home, low
abbr., O&G cased-hole liner (MichaelBurov); cased-hole liner system; CHL system
abbr., oil chlorinlog; Chile
abbr., space certified hardware list
abbr., st.exch. China Telecom Hong Kong, LTD.
abbr., transp. Canton Hankow Line
mil. confinement at hard labor
tech. channel; current-hogging logic
chl abbr.
abbr. chloroform
abbr., oil chloritic
O&G chloride (s); chlorine log
Chl abbr.
abbr. chlorite
abbr., oil clinochlore; chlorides; chloritoid
Chlf. abbr.
abbr., chem. chloroform
CHl abbr.
abbr., soil. luvic chernozem
Chl. abbr.
abbr. Chile
chl. abbr.
polym. chloroform
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas8
Pharmacy and pharmacology1