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IT бизнес для потребителя (Bricker)
law, ADR схема "предприятие — потребитель" (Alex Lilo); сделка "производитель-потребитель" (Andrey Truhachev); схема "предприятие – потребитель" (Alex Lilo)
busin. система взаимоотношений с розничными клиентами (MichaelBurov); план взаимодействий "бизнес-клиент" (MichaelBurov); "бизнес-клиент" (MichaelBurov); план взаимодействий "бизнес-клиент", "бизнес для потребителя" (MichaelBurov); управление взаимоотношениями с розничными клиентами (MichaelBurov)
business to consumer
gen. отношения между юридическим лицом и конечным потребителем / физическим лицом (сокр. B2C; отношения участников рынка)
comp., MS бизнес-потребитель
 English thesaurus
commer. B2C
IT Selling processes in which the involved parties are the enterprise, which offers goods or services, and a consumer. In this case there is comprehensive legislation that protects the consumer. (Comprehensive legislation includes: Regarding contracts established outside the merchant’s property (such as the right to end the contract with full refund or the return policy for goods) Regarding distance contracts (such as rules that establish how a contract should be written, specific clauses and the need to transmit to the consumer and approve it) Regarding electronic form of the contract (such as on the Internet, the possibility for the consumer to exit from the procedure without having his/her data recorded))
Business To Consumer
abbr., file.ext. B2C
Business to Consumer
abbr., astronaut., mil. B2C (Internet sites)
: 8 phrases in 6 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution2
Information technology1