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business growthstresses
gen. коммерческий рост (Ask any business owner if they have a growth objective for next year and you're sure to receive a resounding "yes!" Revenue and profitability, of course, are the primary growth factors on the minds of most business owners as well they should be if you want your business to survive and prosper into the future. However, when planning for growth, for example, deciding exactly what to do to achieve your growth goals, I would suggest expanding those factors beyond revenue and profitability to include Reputation, Expertise and Perspective, and here's why. sigmanow.com Alexander Demidov)
busin. рост предприятия (Alexander Matytsin)
law рост бизнеса (The process of improving some measure of an enterprise's success. Business growth can be achieved either by boosting the top line or revenue of the business with greater product sales or service income, or by increasing the bottom line or profitability of the operation by minimizing costs. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
business growth
: 13 phrases in 9 subjects
Business style1
Mass media1
Oil and gas1