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bld abbr.stresses
busin. дом (сокращение в почтовых адресах ptraci)
dril. глухой (blind; о фланце)
BLD abbr.
Gruzovik, scient. прибор с балочными выводами (beam-lead device)
pharma. Ниже предела обнаружения (Below limit of detection pharmrus)
Bld abbr.
Makarov. валун (boulder)
 English thesaurus
bld abbr.
abbr., lab.eq. blood
abbr., oil boulders
BLD abbr.
abbr. balanced line driver; blinder; Blindfolded (Сборка с закрытыми глазами в Спидкубинге – Blindfolded speedcubing Eugene37)
abbr., avia. bleed; bomb laser directed
abbr., dril. bailed (refers to the practice of removing debris from the hole with a cylindrical container on a wireline)
abbr., earth.sc. best linear discrimination; bond length difference
abbr., el. bistable laser diode; bright line defect
abbr., el., scient. Beam Lead Device
abbr., IT Bloadable picture
abbr., law Bald
abbr., med. Breakfast Lunch Dinner; black lung disease (Black lung disease (BLD), also known as coal workers' pneumoconiosis or simply black lung, is an occupational type of pneumoconiosis caused by long-term exposure to coal dust. It is common in coal miners and others who work with coal. It is similar to both silicosis from inhaling silica dust and asbestosis from inhaling asbestos dust. Inhaled coal dust progressively builds up in the lungs and leads to inflammation, fibrosis, and in worse cases, necrosis. wikipedia.org 'More)
abbr., med.appl. beam limiting device (harser)
abbr., mil. Baseline Design
abbr., ophtalm. basal laminar drusen (базальные ламинарные друзы nih.gov doc090)
abbr., st.exch. Baldwin Technology, Inc.
el. Beam lead device
mil. below limit of detection; bomber light, dual capable
physiol., med. Blood
softw., IT Build
tech. beam-lead device; black level diode
univer., ed., scient. Building
Bld abbr.
abbr. boulevard; bailed; bladed; blind; boulder
.BLD abbr.
abbr. BASIC Load Graphics
Bld. abbr.
abbr. bldg. (Artjaazz)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Pharmacy and pharmacology1