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gen. очаг возгорания (Firefighters are also stretched thin as they battle numerous blazes up and down the West Coast. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik вспышка
blaze up ['bleɪz'ʌp]
gen. вспыхнуть (о пламени или горючем: A small fire immediately blazed up, adding to a cascade of embers arcing down from the huge fire above them. • In the leaping light, as the fresh wood blazed up, Frodo saw many grey shapes spring over the ring of stones. • "On top of the tower an unbearably bright light blazed up," one of the Soviet physicists recalled. • The flames lighted up the stage as the light tinsel stuffs blazed up, and the scene changed from mimicry to tragedy.); вспыхивать (о пламени или горючем); заниматься (о пламени); заняться (о пламени); разгораться; воспламенять (В.И.Макаров); загораться; зажигать (В.И.Макаров); запылать (В.И.Макаров)
Gruzovik воспламениться; воспламеняться; запылать
fig.of.sp. вспыхнуть (As events transpired, few large nations behaved very differently from China once the disease blazed up within their own borders. • The idea made the fire that was devouring his heart blaze up even more fiercely and he started off in pursuit.); вспыхивать
inf. полыхнуть
Makarov. вспылить; разразиться гневом; рассердиться
blaze up with ['bleɪz'ʌp]
Makarov. воспылать
 English thesaurus
blaze up ['bleɪz'ʌp]
prop.&figur. burn brightly (A small fire immediately blazed up, adding to a cascade of embers arcing down from the huge fire above them. • Presently he heard the fire roaring above him, the ground was burning, he was barely alive; soon all blazed up, earth, rocks, everything. • “On top of the tower an unbearably bright light blazed up,” one of the Soviet physicists recalled. • It blazed up fiercely, but she managed to hold on to it for a moment. • The flames lighted up the stage as the light tinsel stuffs blazed up, and the scene changed from mimicry to tragedy. vocabulary.com)
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects