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biodegradable wastestresses
gen. биоотходы (Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which can be broken down, in a matter of weeks or few months, into its base compounds by micro-organisms and other living things, regardless of what those compounds may be. Biodegradable waste can be commonly found in municipal solid waste (sometimes called biodegradable municipal waste, or BMW) as green waste, food waste, paper waste, and biodegradable plastics. Other biodegradable wastes include human waste, manure, sewage, sewage sludge and slaughterhouse waste. WK Alexander Demidov)
ecol. биологически разложимые отходы; биологически разлагаемые отходы (derex)
biodegradable waste
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1