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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
BESS [bes] nstresses
biotechn. сканирование первичной структуры путём удаления оснований (метод обнаружения точечных мутаций в ДНК)
energ.ind. система накопления электроэнергии (Bauirjan)
Bess [bes] n
names Бесс (женское имя, обыкн. уменьшительное от Elisabeth или Elizabeth (Элизабет)); Бесс; Елизавета
bess [bes] n
crim.jarg. фомка (collegia)
 English thesaurus
Bess. abbr.
abbr., met. Bessemer
BESS [bes] abbr.
abbr. Benefits Eligibility Screening Services; Bilston And Ettingshall Sure Start; Bessemer
abbr., avia. BCAC engineering support system
abbr., el. berillium implanted simple stripe
abbr., el., scient. Basic Echo Synchronizing System
abbr., fin. brokers' electronic support services
abbr., med. British Elbow And Shoulder Society
abbr., mil. Bit Error Sensing System; battle effects simulators
abbr., mil., astronaut. biological experiment scientific satellite
abbr., mol.biol. Base Excision Sequence Scanning (Игорь_2006)
abbr., oil binary encoded seismic system
abbr., phys., scient. Breaking Electroweak Symmetry Strongly
abbr., space biomedical experiment scientific satellite
energ.ind. battery energy storage system
mil. base exterior security system
tech. binary electromagnetic signal signature; bottom environmental sensing system
Bess [bes] abbr.
abbr., names, dimin. Elisabeth
bess [bes] abbr.
abbr. binary electromagnetic signature
bess: 20 phrases in 10 subjects
Molecular biology1
Molecular genetics1
Names and surnames3
Solar power1