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beat one's brains outstresses
gen. ломать голову (над чем-либо: We beat our brains out in order to think of a name for the new magazine Taras); лезть из кожи вон (Taras); ломать голову над чем-либо (rusmihail); размозжить кому-л. голову; сильно трудиться, чтобы добиться (чего-либо Taras)
idiom. из кожи вон лезть (I've been beating my brains out trying to get a passing grade this semester. • Don't beat your brains out trying to please these people – they'll never appreciate it. • Why should I beat my brains out for a corporation that knows me only by a number – takes my life in, chews it up and spits it out. 4uzhoj); изрядно попотеть (Below is some information I had to beat my brains out for a couple of days to find. 4uzhoj)
inf. корячиться (I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and get dirt on the carpet. 4uzhoj)
Makarov., inf. ломать голову над (чем-либо)
rude рвать жопу (4uzhoj)
beat someone's brains out
inf. устроить взбучку (4uzhoj); вышибить мозги (She threatened to beat my brains out. • Those thugs nearly beat his brains out. 4uzhoj); устроить разнос (As if I didn't feel bad enough after losing the case, my boss beat my brains out for it once I got back to the office. 4uzhoj)
Makarov., inf. вышибать мозги (кому-либо)
beat brains out: 7 phrases in 3 subjects