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BCC nstresses
gen. рассылка первых копий
Bcc n
IT скрытая копия (в электронной почте)
bcc v
inet. отправить скрытую копию (That guy pissed me off so I bcc'd his boss. VLZ_58)
bcc abbr.
comp., MS СК (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
BCC abbr.
gen. "Контроль за преступностью в бизнесе" (Business Crime Control Oleksandr Spirin)
comp. скрытая копия (in e-mail); слепая копия (in e-mail)
comp., net. символ контроля блока; символ, содержащий контрольную сумму
crystall. ОЦК (MichaelBurov); объёмноцентрированный кубический (MichaelBurov)
ecol. содержание углерода в биологическом сырье (Izuminka2008); доля органического углерода (Izuminka2008)
med. базальноклеточная карцинома (basal cell carcinoma Vicomte)
NGO "Контроль за преступностью в бизнесе" (Business Crime Control; Независимая общественная организация по контролю за преступностью в бизнесе, в которую входят журналисты, обозреватели, писатели и исследователи из Австрии, Германии, Швейцарии, Лихтенштейна и Люксембурга. Oleksandr Spirin)
O&G РЦУ (MichaelBurov); Резервный центр управления (MichaelBurov)
progr. Blind Carbon Copy, Blind Courtesy Copy "слепая копия" (ssn)
relig. Британский Совет Церквей
Bcc abbr.
IT СК; рассылка первых экземпляров; рассылка первых копий без уведомления получателя о других адресатах
 English thesaurus
bcc abbr.
abbr., med. basal cell cancer
comp., MS Bcc (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done); BCC (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
EBRD blind carbon copies
met. body-centered cubic
BCC abbr.
abbr. Battle Creek Central High School; Blind Carbon Copy; Blind Courtesy Copy; Boston Community Cooperative; Breast Cancer Coalition; Base Communications Center; Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA); BC Catalytic Cracking; BETA correlation center; Block Calls Cleared (telephony); Body Centred Cubic; Bring Caviar And Champagne; British Communications Corporation; British Copyright Council; British Council of Churches; Bus Control Card; beginning of christian chronology (Vadim Rouminsky); blocked calls cleared; Borden Chemical Co.; British Control Commission; British Coal Corporation; Beginning of the Christian Chronology (Vadim Rouminsky)
abbr., auto. Bus & Coach Council
abbr., avia. baseline change control; block change concept; ballistic control computer; bank credit card; base communication center
abbr., busin. Border Crossing Agreement
abbr., commer. Budget Classification Code
abbr., comp. Blind Carbon Copy - a copy of a message, sent to somebody without informing the primary addressee. (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net., IT Block Check Count
abbr., crystall. body centered cubic (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Banking and Currency Committee; body-centered-cubic; body-centered cubic (lattice)
abbr., ecol. bio-based carbon content (Izuminka2008)
abbr., ed. Basic Core Curriculum; Business Career Center
abbr., ed., scient. Beer Can College
abbr., el. basic connection components; battery control center; bearer channel connection; bearer connection control; binary convolutional code; bitstream continuous calibration; block character check; blocked call cleared; branch conditionally code; broadband communication channel; BTS color code; bump chip carrier; Business Communications Co.; business computing center; business cooperation contract
abbr., genet. basic region coiled coil
abbr., IT Block Check Character; blind carbon copy (Bricker); blind courtesy copy; block-check character
abbr., IT, EU. business cooperation centre
abbr., law Big Conspiracy Cover-up
abbr., market. brand community commitment (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. Basal Cell Carcinoma; Basal-cell Carcinoma; Bedside Communication Controller; Biliary Cholesterol Concentration; Birth Control Clinic; Business Card Computer; Benign Cellular Changes (pap Smear); Burkholderia cepacia complex (ННатальЯ); Birth Control Campaign; basaloma
abbr., media. Broadcasting Corporation of China
abbr., met. body-centred cubic
abbr., microel. bus controller chip (ssn); block checking character
abbr., mil. Base Cluster Commander; Battery Control Central; Battlefield Circulation Control; Battlefield Command Computer; Bay Command Console; battlefield circulation control (Киселев); battle control center
abbr., mil., avia. basic cryptanalysis course
abbr., O&G Back-up Command Center (MichaelBurov); Back-up Control Center (MichaelBurov); Backup Command Center (MichaelBurov); Backup Control Center (MichaelBurov); RTsU (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil budget cost center (serz); basic control code; beam coupling coefficient; blunt chisel compact; border crossing card; bug-control cabinet; buried control center; trans-1, 2-bromochlorocyclohexane
abbr., oncol., med. Breast Cancer Center
abbr., phys. Body-Centred Cubic Lattice (Vosoni)
abbr., phys., scient. Body Centered Cubic
abbr., progr. block check character (ssn)
abbr., scottish Battery Control Centre
abbr., st.exch. Boise Cascade Corporation
abbr., textile British Colour Council; British Color Council
abbr., tradem. Baron Consulting Company; Brodwyn Chiropractic Clinic
chem. bubble column contactor
energ.ind. battery charge controller
mil. basic cryptoanalysis course; battalion command center; battery control central; broadcast control center
tech. beacon control console; bus controller chip
: 10 phrases in 6 subjects
Solid-state physics2