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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
bam [bæm] nstresses
gen. розыгрыш; разыгрывать (кого-либо)
amer. бах (Taras); хлоп (Taras); бум (Taras); бац (межд. Taras)
geol. вагонетка-платформа
mil., lingo женщина-военнослужащая морской пехоты (США MichaelBurov)
mining. тележка
scottish идиот (joyand)
sl., drug. амфетамин
slang надувательство; обманывать; надувать; ударять; обман; бить
vernac. грубая шутка; враки; плутовство
bam [bæm] v
gen. плутовать
idiom. вешать лапшу на уши
BAM [bæm] abbr.
gen. Федеральное ведомство по исследованию и испытанию материалов (ФРГ Талекс); мониторинг оперативной деятельности (Business Activity Monitoring WiseSnake); Байкало-Амурская магистраль (BaikalЦAmur Mainline mrssam)
bacteriol. руководство по бактериологическому анализу (Bacteriological Analytical Manual Pretty_Super)
comp. базовый метод доступа
fin. Конвертируемая марка (валюта Боснии и Герцеговины Krio)
IT базисный метод доступа; двунаправленная ассоциативная память (сокр. от "bidirectional associative memory" Alex_Odeychuk)
relig. бизнес как миссия (Business as mission: Business as mission is demonstrating what the Kingdom of God is like in the context of business businessasmission.com Dimohod)
tech. Федеральное ведомство по исследованию и испытанию материалов (ФРГ Талекс)
 English thesaurus
BAM [bæm] abbr.
abbr. Bambara; Beth Ann Morgenthau; Bricks And Mortar; Back At Mac; Bad Ass Mike; Bad Assed Motherfuckers; Balance Anticipation And Momentum; Basic Access Methods; Bass Alignment Module; Benefit Accuracy Measurement; Benefits Activated Marketing; Best Airgun Manufacturer; Best Anime And Manga; Big Ass Movers; Big Ass Mug; Binary Angular Moment; Bituminous Aggregate Mixtures; Block-Availability-Map; Booking Actors And Models; Born Again Modularization; Boyan Action Module; Break Away Mode; Broad Assed Marine; Business Appreciation Month
abbr., auto. Broadcast Announce Message (translator911)
abbr., auto., org.name. German Institute for Materials Research and Testing
abbr., avia. base airlift management; basic aircraft maneuvers; battlefield automation management; binary angular measure
abbr., dat.proc. basic access method
abbr., ed. Body And Mind
abbr., el. bidirectional associative memory; beam-addressed memory; behind administration module; block access method; broadband access multiplexer
abbr., inet. Brick And Mortar
abbr., IT Block Availability Map
abbr., Makarov. Brewster angle microscopy
abbr., meteorol. Bacteriological Analytical Manual (pressure); Basilar Artery Migraine (pressure); Bilateral Augmentation Mammoplasty (pressure); Brachial Artery Mean (pressure); Body And Mind. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention.; basophil-associated mononuclear
abbr., mil. Ballistic Armor Matrix (qwarty); Bab el Mandeb
abbr., mil., avia. ballistic advanced missile
abbr., O&G, sakh. Bayaka Amerskaya Railway
abbr., progr., IT Business Activity Monitoring
abbr., relig. Bible Answer Man
abbr., scottish Bird Avoidance Model
abbr., tech. Bluetooth Adapter Module (translator911)
abbr., tradem. Bay Area Music; Books A Million
mil. base automotive maintenance
tech. broadcasting amplitude modulation; bus arbitration module; byte-addressable memory
bam [bæm] n
jarg. bamboozle
BaM [bæm] abbr.
abbr., med. barium meal
BAM [bæm] abbr.
abbr., avia. business activity mapping
abbr., germ., space Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
abbr., mil. Broad Ass Marine (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil basin access method; BHC borehole compensated acoustilog attenuation module; Bilco analysis makeup system; boundary averaging method; British Air Ministry (method)
abbr., pharm. bamifylline
abbr., tech. bridge alert management
abbr., textile bulk air mail
bam: 39 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Cliche / convention1
Criminal jargon1
Explanatory translation1