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aviation industry [,eɪvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n 'ɪndəstrɪ]stresses
gen. авиационная отрасль (the companies involved in air transport Example Sentences Including "aviation industry" America is the engine that drives the world's aviation industry. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2001) Dewhurst, 51, comes back to V8 Supercar racing after a decade in the aviation industry. THE ADVERTISER, SUNDAY MAIL (2005) It is easy to see why the aviation industry might be tempted to do a PR job on security. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) It was a salutary and tragic lesson in the economics of development in the aviation industry in the era of high speed, high technology. TEST PILOTS THE growth of the aviation industry continues to provide employment for new pilots, according to Flight Training Australia. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL (2004) The development of airports is the most powerful catalyst for the growth of the aviation industry. BUSINESS TODAY (1996). Collins Alexander Demidov); авиаотрасль (Aircraft industry The aircraft industry is the industry supporting aviation by building aircraft and manufacturing aircraft parts for their maintenance. This includes aircraft and parts used for civil aviation and military aviation. Most production is done pursuant to type certificates and Defense Standards issued b... Found op airline industry airline industry, the business of transporting paying passengers and freight by air along regularly scheduled routes, typically by airplanes but also by helicopter.Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin set up the first commercial airline in 1912, using a form of the dirigible to transport more than 34,000 pas... Found op wikipedia.org, infoplease.com Alexander Demidov); авиаиндустрия (Vetrenitsa)
amer. авиапром (Maggie)
tech. авиационная промышленность
 English thesaurus
Aviation Industry [,eɪvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n 'ɪndəstrɪ]
abbr., file.ext. .aero (Domain Name, Internet)
aviation industry
: 7 phrases in 7 subjects