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artillery preparation [ɑ:'tɪlərɪ prəpə'reɪʃn]stresses
Gruzovik, mil. артиллерийская обработка; артподготовка (артиллерийская подготовка)
mil. артиллерийская подготовка (Another Hungarian attack began at 1100 hours on 19 September after a strong and coordinated artillery preparation. // Following and artillery preparation at 0640, 359th Infantry launched a new attack with 3rd the 1st Battalions.)
 English thesaurus
artillery preparation [ɑ:'tɪlərɪ prəpə'reɪʃn]
mil., logist. Artillery fire delivered before an attack to disrupt communications and disorganize the enemy's defense. (FRA)
artillery preparation
: 6 phrases in 1 subject