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air defense areastresses
mil. зона ПВО; округ ПВО (Canada); Кан округ ПВО
mil., artil., USA округ противовоздушной обороны
mil., avia. зона противовоздушной обороны; район противовоздушной обороны
air-defense area
gen. участок ПВО
Makarov. округ ПВО
Air Defense Area
gen. район ПВО
 English thesaurus
air defense area
mil., logist. A specifically defined airspace in which air defense is be planned and provided. (FRA)
USA overseas - A specifically defined airspace for which air defense must be planned and provided; United States - Airspace of defined dimensions designated by the appropriate agency within which the ready control of airborne vehicles is required in the interest of national security during an air defense emergency (JP 3-01)
air- defense area
: 65 phrases in 4 subjects