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agita ['ædʒitə] nstresses
gen. волнение (a feeling of agitation or anxiety anna); чувство тревоги (comes from a dialectical pronunciation of the Italian word acido, meaning "heartburn" or "acid," from Latin acidus. "Agita" is also occasionally used with the meaning "heartburn." slitely_mad); изжога (slitely_mad); чувство беспокойства (Пример использования: But even the specter of legislators meddling is giving advocates agita. slitely_mad); беспокойство (The prosecuting attorney's aggressive cross-examination seemed to give the defendant agita. VLZ_58); встревоженность (VLZ_58); обеспокоенность (VLZ_58); тревога (VLZ_58); нервозность (VLZ_58)
: 6 phrases in 1 subject