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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
WT nstresses
met. толщина стенки (трубы; wall thickness (WT) Julia Day-Kim)
O&G лебёдка (wireline truck Madi Azimuratov); каротажная установка (wireline truck Madi Azimuratov)
oil толщина стенки (трубы, wall thickness)
progr. со сквозной записью (ssn)
SAP. вид оплаты
tax. иностранный траст, выполняющий функции налогового агента (withholding foreign trust (IRS) oshkindt)
textile мех выдры (Yuriy83)
wt n
med. ордер; свидетельство; сертификат; гарантия
% wt n
oil.proc. % масс. (MichaelBurov); массовый процент (MichaelBurov); массовая доля в процентах (MichaelBurov)
wt-% n
chem. массовый % (Vicomte)
wt adj.
Makarov. водонепроницаемый (watertight)
WT abbr.
avia. радиотелеграфия
construct. обход (walkthrough, совершаемый по строительной площадке CBET)
Gruzovik, scient. водонепроницаемый (watertight)
oil испытания на пригодность к эксплуатации в зимних условиях
tech. массовая доля (Kleo-911)
wt abbr.
tech. ТВ
Wt% abbr.
scient. весовой процент
 English thesaurus
WT abbr.
abbr., progr. write-through (ssn)
wts abbr.
abbr., busin. warrants; weights
WT abbr.
abbr. Wait Time; Washington Territory; Watch Time; Wayne Township; West Texas; White Trash; Whole Tree harvest; Wildlife Trust; William Tanner; William Thomas; Williams Township; Withholding Tax; Working Title; war time; Water Tight; Waterford Township; Wave Table (Vosoni); Weapon Total; What The ....; Wire Transmit; Wireless Toyz; Wireless Transceiver; without thinking; Wolf Trail; wood threshold; Word Trainer; Wrestling Territories; Write Through (Vosoni); water tube boiler; water turbine
abbr., auto. variable vacuum transducer; variable valve timing; winterization
abbr., automat. wall thickness
abbr., avia. maximum wing tank quantity; waste ticket; wheel track; wheel tread; wind tee; window timer; wing tip; with title; working technical
abbr., bank. Wire Transfer (Пахно Е.А.); Withdrawals by Transfer (aht)
abbr., BrE wireless telegraphy; wireless telephony
abbr., busin. wait; weight ton; width; with transhipment
abbr., commer. water-tight
abbr., earth.sc. water tension; water thermometer; wave-equation traveltime inversion; weather of target; winter tropics; worm tubes (serpulids)
abbr., econ. with transshipment
abbr., el. wafer topography; watchdog timer; wavelength tunable; wide track; wireless terminal; word terminal; write
abbr., el.chem. weight per cent
abbr., fin. Weighted TeraFLOPS
abbr., inet. What The...
abbr., IT Wireless Telephony
abbr., Makarov. water tank
abbr., mil. Walkie Talkie; WaterTight; Wavelet Transform; warping tug
abbr., nautic., scient. Wireless Thermometer
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. treated water
abbr., oil worn teeth (andrushin); water table; water tender; water tower; water transportation; water tube (boiler); wave equation travel-time (inversion); wave trap; welded tuff; well testing; wireless telegraph; wireless telephone; working temperature
abbr., physiol. wild type
abbr., physiol., med. Weight
abbr., polym. water treeing; watertight
abbr., post Weight (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., radio walkie-talkie
abbr., scottish Weapon Training
abbr., soil. tunnel erosion
abbr., space weapon test; wind tunnel
abbr., st.exch. Warrant
abbr., tech. wide temperature (13.05)
abbr., textile Wing Tips
abbr., vet.med., med. Wild Turkey
energ.ind. waste fuel; wind transducer; wind turbine
mil. war transport; warning tag; water transport; weapons technician; weapons test; weapons tight; weapons training; winterization test
tech. waste treatment; waveguide transmission; wireless transmitter; wireless truck
wt abbr.
abbr. warrant; warranted; wartime; weight; wrought iron
abbr., busin. what
abbr., med. white
biol. wild type
insur. Without
O&G watt
wt. abbr.
abbr. per ft. weight per foot
abbr., econ. warrant
abbr., med. weight
abbr., tech. watt
econ. gross weight (Seregaboss)
wt% abbr.
abbr. weight percent
O&G, sakh. weight percentage
Wt abbr.
abbr., med. total work of breathing
Wt% abbr.
chem. weight per cent
Wt abbr.
energ.ind. total moisture content
wt. % abbr.
abbr. percents by weight
WT, "White Tie
: 162 phrases in 29 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Automated equipment1
Chemical nomenclature1
Information technology7
Oil / petroleum4
Oil processing plants100
SAP finance1
SAP tech.1
Textile industry1
Water supply1