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WST abbr.stresses
O&G Скважинный прибор для регистрации сейсмических данных (Johnny Bravo)
O&G, sakh. сейсмокаротаж
 English thesaurus
WST abbr.
abbr., AI. Word Search Tree
abbr., avia. wheel speed transducer; Wichita standard tool
abbr., meteorol. weapon systems technologies; weighted-sum threshold (LO); wideband subscriber terminal; word synchronizing track; world service television; world system teletext; write symbol table
WST abbr.
abbr. Water Service Tubing; West Samoa Time; Western Australian Standard Time; Western Brazil Standard Time
abbr., avia. Westerly, Rhode Island USA; wireless subscriber terminal
abbr., chem., scient. Weighted Settling Time
abbr., earth.sc. water supply tank; weight sounding test
abbr., ed., scient. Writing Skills Test
abbr., fin. Samoa Tala
abbr., IT WordStar Text document
abbr., med. wavelet soft threshold (harser)
abbr., media. Wall Street & Technology
abbr., mil. Winchester Super Target; Weapons Systems Technologies; Weapons Systems Trainer
abbr., nautic., scient. Water Science and Technology; Weird Swirly Thing
abbr., O&G, sakh. seismic checkshot survey; wall seismic tool
abbr., oil Well Seismic Acquisition Tool (glenfoo); well seismic tool; water sample temperature; water-soluble tracer
abbr., pharma. water-soluble tetrazolium (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., qual.cont. weapons system test
abbr., scottish Weapon System Trainer
abbr., space weapons systems test; world satellite terminal
abbr., sport. World Super Tour
abbr., st.exch. West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.
energ.ind. cumulative weight of fine powders separated at the cyclone top
mil. water survival training; weapon selection table; weapon system test; weapon systems trainer; weapon systems training
tech. waste storage tank
univer., ed., scient. Women's Studies
WST: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Cables and cable production1
Molecular biology1