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mil., lingo трёхсотый
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softw. слой автоматизации

to phrases
WIA abbr.stresses
mil., lingo трёхсотый (wounded in action Val_Ships)
oil ремонтные работы в скважинах (Well Intervention Operations см gov.uk Islet)
 English thesaurus
WIA abbr.
abbr. When Idiots Attack; Windows Image Aquisition (MS, Windows, API, DDI); weight alarm indicator
abbr., avia. wing incidence angle
abbr., comp., net., IT WIreless Access Point
abbr., earth.sc. weak-interaction approximation
abbr., el. Wireless Institute of Australia
abbr., el., scient. Wearable Internet Appliance
abbr., IT Where It's At; Windows Image Acquisition
abbr., law Workforce Investment Act
abbr., mil. Wounded In Action
abbr., mil., air.def. weapon impact assessment
abbr., progr., IT Windows Imaging Acquisition
abbr., relig. Windsor Islamic Association
abbr., tradem. Wasatch International Adoptions; Webheads In Action; Wisconsin Insurance Alliance
abbr., transp. Wellington International Airport
mil. wounded in action
ocean., nautic., scient. Weather-impacted Airspace
WIA: 2 phrases in 2 subjects