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WBC abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, econ. Всемирный совет предпринимателей (World Business Council; объединяет около 200 руководителей крупнейших корпораций США; ежегодные сессии Совета проводятся в Хот-Спрингс (Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, США))
med. лейкоцит (Andrey Truhachev); WBC, абс. (MichaelBurov); БКК (Белые Кровяные Клетки (лейкоциты) (?) sunirk); абсолютное содержание лейкоцитов (MichaelBurov); относительное содержание лейкоцитов (MichaelBurov); "белые кровяные тельца" (MichaelBurov)
pharm. БКТ (Белые кровяные тельца Saadatic)
WBC% abbr.
med. "лейкоциты" (проф. MichaelBurov)
WBC, абс. abbr.
abbr., med. БКК (MichaelBurov)
med. "лейкоциты" <проф.> (MichaelBurov); абсолютное содержание лейкоцитов (MichaelBurov); "белые кровяные тельца" (MichaelBurov)
WBC# abbr.
med. белые клетки крови (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
WBC abbr.
abbr. White Boy Club; Wisconsin Breast Cancer; Women's Business Centre; Warner Brothers Company; Water binding capacity (veryonehope); Wide Band Channel (FDDI); World Business Council; World Boxing Council (ampha)
abbr., avia. Wapolu, Papua New Guinea; weight and balance computer; wheel and balance computer
abbr., bot., scient. Western Bean Cutworm
abbr., box. World Boxing Council
abbr., comp., net. wide band channel
abbr., earth.sc. Weather Bureau Central Office; Weather Bureau Communication
abbr., ed., scient. Welcome Back Club; Western Baptist College
abbr., el. wideband channel; wideband coupler; working byte counter; write binary command; Wulf-Back crystallizer
abbr., health., med. White Blood Cells
abbr., law We Be Crooks
abbr., med. White Blood Cell; White Blood Cell Count; White Blood Cell/count; Whole Blood Cell Count; white blood cell; white blood count; absolute WBC count (MichaelBurov); absolute WBC level (MichaelBurov); absolute white blood cell count (MichaelBurov); absolute white blood cell level (MichaelBurov); white blood cells (MichaelBurov); relative WBC count (MichaelBurov); relative WBC level (MichaelBurov); relative white blood cell count (MichaelBurov); relative white blood cell level (MichaelBurov); WBC% (MichaelBurov); white blood cell count; whole body cryotherapy (Yuriy Sokha)
abbr., med.appl. white cell count
abbr., mil., avia. will be conducted
abbr., monk. Working Breeds Club
abbr., multimed. web-based course
abbr., O&G, sakh. Water Body Classification
abbr., oil wellbore constant
abbr., oncol., med. White Blood Cell count
abbr., relig. Westboro Baptist Church; Woodland Baptist Church; World Bible Conference; World Bishops Council; Wymondham Baptist Church
abbr., scottish Weight & Balance Computer
abbr., sport. World Baseball Classic; World Boardgaming Championships; World Boxing Commission
abbr., tradem. We Build Computer; World Business Club
energ.ind. whole body counter
tech. wide band coupler; Wien bridge circuit; wire bridge circuit
WBC% abbr.
abbr., med. relative WBC count; relative WBC level; relative white blood cell count; relative white blood cell level; WBC (MichaelBurov)
wbc abbr.
med. white blood count
: 28 phrases in 3 subjects
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