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VLV abbr.stresses
electric. сверхнизковольтный (Very Low Voltage; обычно о кабеле или оборудовании miaow)
 English thesaurus
VLV abbr.
abbr., el. very low voltage
abbr., media. Voice of the Listener and Viewer
abbr., mil., avia. vacuum landing vehicle
abbr., mus. Viva Las Vegas
abbr., oil very low viscosity
abbr., progr., IT Virtual List View
abbr., space Vanguard launch vehicle
abbr., tradem. Virtual Las Vegas Casino Games
airports, avia. Valera, Venezuela
mil. very large vehicle
vlv. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. valve
vlv abbr.
tech. valve
Vlv: 188 phrases in 2 subjects