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VL [,vi:'el] abbr.stresses
anal.chem. объём жидкой неподвижной фазы (in gas chromatography)
el. низкий уровень напряжения (Gosselyn)
pharma. добровольная лицензия (voluntary license: The organisation's voluntary licences (VLs) offer some countries the opportunity to gain access to affordable generic versions for HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatments katorin)
therm.eng. поток влево (индикатор положения Lesya1986)
vl [,vi:'el] abbr.
food.ind. визуальная оценка постности мяса (от англ. "Visual Lean" – is the visual assessment of total meat minus fat content and expressed in percentage terms. ZWern); визуальная постность мяса (ZWern)
 English thesaurus
Vl [,vi:'el] abbr.
abbr. Relative velocity of flow on the underside of an aerofoil
abbr., earth.sc. violarite
VL [,vi:'el] abbr.
abbr. Value Leader; Virtual Life; Vector Length; Virtual Lane (Infini-Band); vertical ladder
abbr., AI. Value Length
abbr., anat. ventral lateral (iwona)
abbr., auto. vacuum limiter; valve; variable load; vinyl leatherette; visibility level
abbr., avia. virtual laboratory; vertical lading; vertical lift; vertical low; redline speed
abbr., biol. virus-like gene
abbr., construct. vertical laddie
abbr., el. Voltage Low (Gosselyn); variable length; VESA local bus; video library; video line
abbr., food.ind. Visible Labels
abbr., germ., auto. Vollast
abbr., inet. Validity Of Link; Virtual Link
abbr., med. viral load; Variable Domain Of The Light Chain; Vastus Lateralis (muscle); Vision, Left (eye); viral load (вирусная нагрузка Dimpassy); voltage, left arm
abbr., media. Video List
abbr., mil. Valhalla Legends
abbr., O&G, casp. voluntary leave (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil variable loss; vendor's list; vertical leveling; vertical line; vertical lower
abbr., pharm. velcade and lenalidomide
abbr., pharma. Vigilance (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol., med. Viral Load
abbr., polym. vapor-to-liquid ratio
abbr., progr., IT Version List
abbr., scottish Vertical Landing
abbr., space very low; tunnel velocity x characteristic model length
abbr., sport. Virtual Lead
abbr., st.exch. Value Line; Vlassic Foods International, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Vector And Lamborghini
abbr., transp. Verification Of Landing
mil., abbr. vendors list; vertical launch; violation of lawful; visual laydown
O&G, abbr. predicted leakage value
tech., abbr. vapor to liquid ratio
tech., mil., avia. vapor-liquid ratio
Vₗ abbr.
abbr., avia. limit speed; redline speed
vl. abbr.
abbr., mech.eng. valve
Vl: 16 phrases in 7 subjects
Mass media4