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VTT abbr.stresses
ed. видеоматериалы по программе телеобразования (сокр. от "video tele-training"; Foreign Language Center, Defense Language Institute Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, scient. метод формирования очень тонких плёнок (very thin technique)
 English thesaurus
VTT abbr.
abbr. vapour tension thermometer
abbr., astr., scient. Vacuum Tower Telescope
abbr., auto. Variable Twin Turbo (система двойного регулируемого турбонаддува с двумя компрессорами разной мощности ВВладимир)
abbr., cycl. velo tout-terrain
abbr., ed. Voyages Through Time
abbr., el. very thin technique; vacuum tube transmitter; video tape terminal; virtual transaction test
abbr., el., scient. Termination Voltage; Voltage Transient Tools
abbr., mil. Video Target Tracking; Virtual Tele Training; video teletraining
abbr., oil vapor tension thermometer
abbr., pharm. velcade and thalidomide
abbr., progr., IT Virtual TurnTables; Visual TrueType
abbr., scottish Vehicule Transport de Troupe (Troop transporter (France)); Video Target Trainer
mil. vehicle, troop, transport; Video Teletraining; video thermal tracking
tech. vacuum thermal testing; vacuum triode type; vacuum-tube transmitter; variable threshold transistor; very thin-film technique
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects