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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
VT nstresses
med. дыхательный объём
O&G визуальный осмотр (SMarina)
vt n
IT символ вертикальной табуляции
VTs n
telecom. виртуальные транспорты (oleg.vigodsky)
VTS abbr.
abbr. система мониторинга автотранспорта (Vehicle Tracking System Денис Демяников)
explan. На усмотрение поставщика (Vendor to Specify Dnestrella)
fish.farm. СДС; система движения судов; служба движения судов
 English thesaurus
VT abbr.
abbr. Vermont; Virtual Time; Virtual Tour; Virtual Tourist; Naval Torpedo Bombing Squadron, W W I I; Vacuum Transducer; Value Transfer; Value Trust; Vanishing Terms; vapor-tight; Variable Time (anti-aircraft fuse); Variable Timing; Variable Trajectory; Variable Transient; Variable Turbo; Variational Technology; Vee Tunnel; Veil Tail; Verifier's Toolkit; Vermont Acts; Vermont Transit (автобусная компания Yakov); Vertical Takeoff; Vertical Tank; Vertical Time; Vertical Totals; Vertical Twin; Very Terminal; Viceroy Territory; Video Tracker; Virtual Table; Virtual Tank; Virtual Tributary signal; Virus Tools; Viscous Traction; variable time (fuse); Visual Terminal; voice tube; Voltage Transient
abbr., auto. valve timing; vehicle theft; visco traction; viscous transmission; viscosity temperature
abbr., avia. ventral tank; Venturi tube; vortex trail; potential transformer
abbr., cardiol. venous thrombosis (Игорь_2006); ventricular tachycardia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., IT Video Terminal
abbr., comp., net. video terminal
abbr., ed. Vocational Training
abbr., ed., scient. Virginia Tech
abbr., el. vacuum transistor; video tape; video teleconferencing; video telephone; videotex; virtual tap; vocal tract; voice technology; voice telegraph; thermal voltage
abbr., el., scient. Vacuum Tube; Vision Technology
abbr., electr.eng. voltage transformer
abbr., food.ind. Very Tough
abbr., IT Value Type; Variable Type; Vertical Tab; Virtualization Technology; vacuum tube; vertical tab; Vertical Tabulation (ASCIIcharacter); Videotext
abbr., meteorol. ventricular tachycardia; tetrazolium violet (a histological stain); total ventilation; vacuum tuberculin; visual task
abbr., mil. Virtual Terminal; Vosper Thornycroft
abbr., mil., avia. vacuum thrust
abbr., nautic., scient. Virtual Tributary
abbr., O&G, sakh. visual testing
abbr., phys., scient. Valid Time
abbr., physiol., med. Tidal Volume; Ventricular Tachycardia
abbr., polit. Holy See; Vatican City (Holy See)
abbr., polym. p-vinyl toluene
abbr., progr., IT Version Tracker; Video Toolbox; Virtual Tape
abbr., proj.manag. value technique
abbr., psychol. variable-time schedule
abbr., scient. Variable Temperature
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (India); Vectored Thrust; Vermont (US state)
abbr., tech. target velocity
abbr., transp. Variable Torque
energ.ind. ventilation unit
mil. variable time; velocity-time; vertical test; visual telegraphy; visual training; volunteer training
tech. variable threshold; variable time fuse; variable time fuze countermeasures; variable transformer; velocity track; vertical tabulation character; visual test; visual tuning
Vt abbr.
abbr. total volume; volume of fluid in turbulent flow; volume of a gas at t°C
abbr., oil threshold velocity
cartogr. Vermont
tech. ionization potential
vt abbr.
abbr. violet; voting (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. tertiary volcanic rocks
Vt. abbr.
abbr. Vermont; Vermont Acts; Vermont Reports
Vₜ abbr.
abbr., avia. true air speed
VTS abbr.
abbr. Vash The Stampede; Vessel Traffic Services; Viper The Sniper; Virtual Transaction Systems; Video Teleconferencing System; Vocational Training Service; video transmission service
abbr., auto. Vehicle Test Station (uar); valve timing solenoid; vehicle technical specification
abbr., avia. Visual Tag System; vacuum toilet system; verification test system; video teleconference system; virtual terminal services; virtual terminal system; vertical test site; vertical test station; vertical test system
abbr., busin. Vessel Tragic System
abbr., chem., scient. Volatility Trailing Stop
abbr., comp., net., IT Vector Time Stamp
abbr., earth.sc. volcano-tectonic structures
abbr., ed. Variable Training System
abbr., el. variable-temperature SQUID susceptometer; verification test set; video tuning system; virtual tape system; VLSI test Symposium
abbr., el., scient. Video Time Stamp; Video Timing System
abbr., file.ext. Volume Tracking Driver
abbr., IT Video Title Set; Virtual Talk Session; video terminal screen
abbr., med.appl. Virtual Tissue Simulator (iwona)
abbr., mil. Virtual Tape Subsystem; Virtual Terminal Service
abbr., mil., air.def. video terminal section
abbr., navig. vessel traffic service (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nucl.pow. turbine building ventilation system (lxu5)
abbr., oil vertical lay and tensioning system; volatile total solids
abbr., radio video tape splicer
abbr., scottish Video Target Simulator
abbr., space vertical test; vibration test system
abbr., st.exch. Variable Trading System; Veritas D G C, Inc.
abbr., textile vessel traffic system
abbr., tradem. Vacuum Technology Solutions; Vauxhall Transmission Services
abbr., transp. Vessel Traffic Service
mil. Vandenberg tracking station; versatile training system; vertical test stand; viewfinder and tracking system; vocational training scheme; Vulcan training system
tech. variable time step; vehicle tracking system; viewfinder tracking system
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Power system protection1