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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
VMS abbr.stresses
gen. Система управления трудовыми ресурсами (Askellaje Ere)
agric. система добровольного доения (translator911)
avia. организация движения ВС (MichaelBurov); организация наземного движения ВС (MichaelBurov)
fishery система мониторинга судов
geol. вулканогенные месторождения массивных сульфидов (колчеданные; Volcanogenic massive sulphide itisasecret)
IT система управления версиями (Dmitry)
med. ПДС (позвоночно-двигательный сегмент; vertebral motion segment Gribok v lesu)
road.sign. Знак переменной информации (AlexanderGerasimov)
tech. система вибромониторинга (vibration monitoring system maystay)
VMs abbr.
telecom. модули VM (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
VMS abbr.
abbr., auto. vehicle motive sensor
abbr., avia. minimum selectable speed; volume management system
abbr., el. vacuum magnetic sensor; variable message signing; vertically modulated structure; Vietnam Mobile Service Corp.; virtual machine system; voice mailbox service.; voice mailing system; voice message server
abbr., fishery vessel monitoring system
abbr., IT Virtual Machine Manager
abbr., mil., air.def. volatile management system
abbr., proj.manag. vertical marketing systems
abbr., tech. Video Management Software System (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VMS Marinade)
Vₘₛ abbr.
abbr., avia. minimum speed in the stall
VMS abbr.
abbr. Vendor Management Systems; variable message sign (Anna Chalisova); Voice Mail System (GMS); Voice Management System; video mail system; velocity-measure system; vibration-measuring system
abbr., astronaut. Vertical Motion Simulator
abbr., automat. video measuring system (ssn)
abbr., avia. vehicle management system (MichaelBurov); voice mail server; voice mail service; voice mail system
abbr., avia., med. voluntary muscle stimulation
abbr., commer. vertical marketing system
abbr., comp., net. VESA Media Channel
abbr., comp., net., IT Voice Messaging Service
abbr., earth.sc. velocity-measuring system; virtual memory operating system; volcanic-associated massive sulphide; volcanogenic massive sulphide; vortex magnetic separator
abbr., file.ext. Virtual Machine Storage; Voice Message System
abbr., food.ind. Vineyard Master Selection
abbr., IT Text file containing VMS specific information; Vax Management System; Video Memory System; Virtual Management System; Visual Memory System; version management system (Dmitry); Video Home System; virtual memory system (Bricker)
abbr., med. Vaccine Management System; Vermont Medical Society; Vitamins, minerals and supplements (http://www.chemistanddruggist.co.uk/vms Tegrion); Vena mesenterica superior (paseal)
abbr., mil. Virtual Memory System; Vehicle Management System (flight control); Voyage Management System
abbr., O&G, sakh. vertical support members
abbr., oil vacuum mud still; valve mounting system; vibration measuring system; volcanogenic massive sulfides
abbr., physiol. Visual Memory Span
abbr., physiol., med. Violent Mood Swing; Visual memory span; Vizsla Menstrual Syndrome
abbr., progr., IT Version Management Service; Virobot Management Server; Virtual Mimicking System
abbr., sec.sys. voice messaging system
abbr., sec.sys., IT Virtually Missing Security
abbr., softw. video management software (Artjaazz)
abbr., space vehicle monitoring system
abbr., tradem. Ventana Medical Systems, Inc.
abbr., transp. Variable Message Sign; Vessel Monitoring System
abbr., water.suppl. Valve Material Specification (n.lysenko)
energ.ind. velocity measuring system
mil. vehicle motion sensor; velocity measurement system
tech. vibration monitoring system; video modulation system; videofile microwave system; viewfinder-metering system; virtual machine simulator; visual motion simulator
VMS: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
Data processing1
Oil and gas1