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VHC abbr.stresses
med. ВГЦ (Michael Hanian); вирусный гепатит C (Michael Hanian); вирус гепатита С (Andrey Truhachev); ВГС (Andrey Truhachev)
tech. летучий углеводород (volatile hydrocarbon exsokol)
 English thesaurus
VHC abbr.
abbr. Vellum Head Connector; Vermont Humanities Council
abbr., avia. Saurimo, Angola
abbr., econ. variable holding cost
abbr., ed. VanHoose Education Center; Very Hungry Caterpillar
abbr., el. vertical and horizontal correction; vertical hold control; very high contrast
abbr., mil. Very Highly Commended
abbr., oil volatile hydrocarbon
abbr., pharma. valved holding chamber (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., physiol., med. Virus De La Hepatitis C
abbr., tradem. Veterinary Healthcare Consultants, LLC.; Vigilant Hose Company
: 6 phrases in 1 subject