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noun | abbreviation | verb | to phrases
VER [vəː] nstresses
IT внутренняя команда MS DOS Novell DOS для отображения версии DOS
VER abbr.
hunt. РЗРР (реакция на зрительный раздражитель – visual evoked response mazurov)
nat.res., clim. ДСВ (добровольное сокращение выбросов – voluntary emission reduction)
 English thesaurus
VER abbr.
abbr. Voluntary Export Restriction
abbr., auto. versed sine
abbr., ecol. Verified Emission Reduction (kondorsky)
abbr., el. version; vertical
abbr., energ.syst. voluntary export restraint (MichaelBurov)
abbr., lab.eq. Visual-Evoked Response
abbr., med.appl. Visual Evoked Response (I. Havkin)
abbr., media. Visual Effects Resource
abbr., polym. vinyl ester resin (bonly)
abbr., post Voluntary Early Retirement
abbr., UN Voluntary Emission Reduction (Alexander Oshis)
airports, avia. Veracruz, Mexico
energ.ind. verified emission reductions; voluntary export restraints
mil. vertical ejector rack
ver. abbr.
abbr. version; vertical; verification
abbr., libr. verse
abbr., med. Visual- Evoked Response
abbr., mil. Verify; Version
NASA Verified
O&G versus
ver abbr.
abbr. verification
biol. vertex
Ver. abbr.
abbr. Vermont
Ver abbr.
abbr., oil Vermont
VER abbr.
abbr., busin. versus; versement
abbr., mech.eng. vernier
abbr., oil value engineering and research; visco-elastic reaction; vitrinite reflectance equivalents; voluntary export restraints; vertical interval reference
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Information technology2
Trade unions1