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VCD abbr.stresses
comp., MS видеодиск VCD (A recording format that can store about 70 minutes of video on a CD. Video CDs play on most Windows computers and DVD players. VCD image quality is about the same as that of a VHS cassette)
el. дамп изменения значений (value change dump ssn)
Makarov. колебательный круговой дихроизм
tech. заслонка для регулирования объёма воздуха (Volume Control Damper Aleks_Teri)
 English thesaurus
VCD abbr.
abbr. vapour compression distillation; video-CD
abbr., auto. vacuum control delay
abbr., avia. Victoria River Downs, Northern Territory, Australia; voltage controlled device; vortex control device; vertical climb and descent; variable controlled oscillator; vertical climb and descend; voice coil devices
abbr., commun. variable call delay
abbr., dril. Vendor's Contract Documentation (Термин NOV Pathfinder)
abbr., el. vidicon camera-digitizer system; virtual circuit descriptor; voice coil device; voltage crossing detector
abbr., el., scient. Video Compact Disk
abbr., file.ext. Variable Center Distance; Virtual Communications Driver
abbr., IT Value Change Dump; Video Compact Disc
abbr., law Very Convenient Diversion
abbr., med. Van Capelle-Durrer (model Of Cardiac Cell Depolarization-repolarization); Vibrational Circular Dichroism; Value Change Dumped; ventricular conduction delay (harser); vascular closure devic (устройство для подкожного закрытия места пункции сосуда, The MYNXGRIP® device achieves secure extravascular closure by utilizing the GRIP™ sealant, which actively adheres to the artery or vein WAHinterpreter); vascular closure device (устройство для подкожного закрытия места пункции сосуда, The MYNXGRIP® device achieves secure extravascular closure by utilizing the GRIP™ sealant, which actively adheres to the artery or vein WAHinterpreter)
abbr., mil. Viet Cong Division
abbr., multimed. video CD
abbr., ophtalm. vertical cup-to-disc ratio (Баян)
abbr., opt. variable-capacitance diode
abbr., radiol. Vector Calibration Device (iwona)
abbr., refrig. vacuum contact drying
abbr., space verification control document
abbr., st.exch. Value City Department Stores, Inc.
abbr., tech. Volume Control Damper (Гевар)
abbr., transp. Vapor Compression Distillation
energ.ind. vendor-certified drawings
tech. variable capacitance diode
Vcd abbr.
energ.ind. combustible volatiles on dry fuel basis
vcd abbr.
abbr., auto. viscous coupling differential
vCD abbr.
comp. vCloud Director (Aprela)
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects